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Britaix 17-18 - Seminar on the early-modern anglophone world (Aix-Marseille University, LERMA, UR 853) Blog

20 years of Studies on Travel Literature

On 11 and 12 May 2023, the SELVA (the French Société d’Étude de la Littérature de Voyage du monde Anglophone) will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of its creation by our esteemed member and own founder, Professor...

Vivre sa religion dans la clandestinité

Exceptionally, this session will be in French.  Le séminaire BRITAIX 17-18 est heureux de vous convier à sa prochaine séance sur la religion vécue, qui se tiendra le lundi 6 mars 2023 de 16h30...

The Holy Scriptures of Mary Ward

THE HOLY SCRIPTURES OF MARY WARD-UNVEILING THE REVELATIONS OF TWO FEMALE WRITERS   To our readership: the following text has to be understood as a fiction based on a research article written by Christiana...

A (not so) Early Modern Pamphlet: The Popish Plague.

Manon Lenormand and Klaudia Porucka, both MA students with us, read Arthur Marotti’s ‘Alienating Catholic: Recusant Women, Jesuits, and Ideological Fantasies’, in Religious Ideology & Cultural Fantasy. Catholic and Anti-Catholic Discourses in Early Modern...

Behind the Scenes of Protestant Propaganda

A bawdy verbal joust between a Friar and the Pope: Behind the scenes of Protestant propaganda.    As part of their assessment, Master’s students Nourhane Boutarfa, Coralie Chantelot, Sarah Collen and Océane Lopez studied...

Gulliver and Beyond: a study day

Gulliver and Beyond Texts and their Afterlives Research GroupLERMA, Aix-Marseille UniversitéMonday 6th December 2021 Salle de colloques 1, campus ALLSH, Aix-Marseille Université, 29 avenue Robert Schuman, 13621 Aix-en-ProvenceOr by Zoom  Register   9h15: Welcome...